
What is Liquor Liability Insurance?

Liquor liability insurance helps protect a business that sells, serves, or distributes alcohol. This type of business insurance can help cover claims of bodily injury or property damage that an intoxicated person causes after a company serves them alcohol.

If your business gets sued, liquor liability insurance helps cover your:

A) Legal costs

B) Settlements or judgments

C) Repair costs to fix property damage

D) Medical bills to treat an injury

The types of businesses that typically need a liquor liability insurance policy include: bars, breweries, restaurants, liquor stores, convenience stores, wineries, grocery stores, and so on. Any business that sells alcohol, regardless of size, is exposed to liquor liability and could benefit from purchasing insurance. Sometimes, businesses are legally required to get this coverage before they are given a liquor license or a commercial lease.

What does Liquor Liability Insurance cover?

A) Assault and battery, like if a customer you served alcohol to physically hurts another person.

B) Drunken driving if an intoxicated person your business served or sold alcohol to damages property or causes an accident that leaves another driver with a bodily injury.

C) Property damage a customer under the influence of alcohol causes to another person’s belongings.

Liquor liability insurance is important if your business is in a state with dram shop laws. These laws hold businesses liable if they sell to or serve alcohol to intoxicated individuals who cause an injury or damage property. Thirty states have dram shop laws in place.

Liquor liability insurance can be tailored to fit your business. For example, a bar owner may wish to add assault and battery coverage to protect against claims that a bouncer injured a customer or to secure coverage against employees drinking on the job. You can also ensure coverage for specific incidents of violence, claims of mental damages, and more.

Different policies have different coverage limits, so you can choose an appropriate extent of coverage for your business. Talk to us to determine which coverage areas are most important for your business and to find a policy that provides appropriate protection.

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